

The title is a double meaning! Ooooh

Who knew grad school would require so much reading? Yeah I guess I've heard that was the case, but didn't really believe all the hype. But it's true. Or maybe it's just some crazy hazing initiation process, to break us in.

So, for the past couple weeks, it's been a crazy menage of classes, new job, and trying to get a group presentation ready for this coming Thursday. It's a lot to juggle, and I've dropped a few "reading" balls, but I'm hoping that after the presentation is done with, I'll have time to play catch up.

The classes have been really interesting. I'm not horribly bored with the microeconomics, and the marine science class is a great review of some stuff I was briefly introduced to before. The cream of the crop is the Marine Affairs class. Each day has been a different speaker. Usually some well known researcher from various fields related to marine stuff... resident at the UW. It's been really interesting, and inspirational. And from what I've read for that class so far, a lot of good material to digest! Maybe I'll get around to throwing a couple quotes up.

The job is insane, but good. Computer support/help desk + no organization + lots of past errors + 400 users, not all on XP SP2 + old blaster worm variant infecting tons of machines and creating a reimaging backlog for us = DOOOOOOOOM. But at least I have stuff to do, and at least not all my coworkers suck, although some are real losers. :) And at least I'm not a total n00b with the skills, like I was worried about.

And finally, in my moments of complete stress out on my schedule, I take a couple hours here and there to relax and play World of Warcraft with Jordan. It's great fun, you should join us. :)


Keith said...

NOOOOO!!! Not XP SP2!!! Wait..nevermind. I hope you installed that last batch of updates. If you look hard, you might be able to see my name. or not. haha

Keith said...

Umm..like, it's 2006 now. Maybe a new post saying you hate WOW is in order. :)

Amy said...

I love WOW! But yes, you are right, it's friggen 2006! I can't believe it!